I love all the tribal-print stuff that is coming out this fall. In fact, I've got quite a few pieces pinned to 'the list' that I hope Santa brings me. But I've got a question for you...
Do you think it's offensive to call things tribal print? Or Navajo-inspired?
I remember reading a blog post once about how offensive it is equating the prints with a culture... when sometimes they aren't accurate. But what else are you supposed to call them? Is it offensive if we say things are Asian-inspired? Or African? Or what about the whole movement to dress like a French girl?
top from Forever 21. blazer by Worthington for JC Penny. jeans and flats from Target. gold cuff, ring and earrings. polish is Geranium by Essie.
Oh, and excuse the pile of dirty dishes. That just means I cooked.