Cosmo blog awards

Hi dolls!
This wednesday I was invited along to the Cosmo blog awards! I was nominated and shortlisted in the 'beauty vlogger' category alongside many other AMAZING youtubers, I was stunned to find out, I WON! I'm so excited to have won! I want to say thank you so much to everyone who voted for me, I appreciate it so much! ^_^
So I headed on down to the awards which were just off of Carnaby street in London, along with Lexi (Who was also shortlisted!) and we also met and chilled with Suzi a little later! We had a few cocktails, munched on the Canapés and watched the wall projection of blogs and youtube channels being displayed. We had a few photos taken at the photobooth which was fun! Then we were called over to the other end of the room for the announcements of the awards! My category was close to the last so It was a rather anxious time, When my name was called I was like...WHAT?! haha, I had to rush over to the little stage from the back of the crowd, pick up my award and pose for a quick photo! (I was so nervous about it! I felt my heart beating so fast haha)
Afterwards we had a bit of photo-time in the toilets (as you do) chatted away and then we made our way home! We all received an AMAZING goodybag, contents above, I also show everything in my video =] I also wanted to say congrats to everyone who was shortlisted and who won on the night! It was such a great experience and im so thankful to have even been invited.
So again, thank you guys for supporting me and voting! I wouldnt be anywhere if people didnt read my blog and watch my videos ^_^
Hope you are all well!
Sammi xoxo