Monday, October 17, 2011

House Sitting

I'm house sitting (slash dog sitting slash cat sitting) for my parents. It's sort of a nightmare and reminds me that I am so not ready for children and/or a puppy friend for Maverick to play with. My schedule this morning was something like this: 
  • Wake up every hour because my parents' mattress is hard as a rock and I'm sharing the bed with two dogs and three cats. 
  • Crawl out of bed 30 minutes early to account for the longer commute. 
  • Let the dogs out. Go out in the chilly fall morning to feed them... barefoot. Brr
  • Go downstairs and feed the cat. Freak out when I can't find the one who sneaks out the back door all the time. 
  • Find said cat. 
  • Let the dogs in. Maverick doesn't come. I freak out (that's #2, if you're counting). Go out in the yard, still barefoot, to find him. Cold, wet grass on bare feet in October is not the same as it is in July, FYI. 
  • Shower and realize they are out of conditioner. 
  • Brush teeth, wash face, dry hair, do my makeup... you know, the usual. But now, I have a cat standing on the sink meowing at me for water. 
  • Get dressed. Realize I left a bunch of clothes out in my car. Make due with a cardigan, scarf and T-shirt to avoid going outside again. 
  • Hit every stoplight on the way to work. 
And all that without coffee. 

One day down. Four more to go.