Every since I was about 11, I became fixated on Audrey Hepburn movies and to this date my favourite movie is fashion's most iconic film, Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Every since the first time I watched that movie I became interested in fashion. How elegant Audrey Hepburn was and how she changed fashion, she introduced me to Chanel and Givenchy and this led to me buying my first Elle magazine and becoming fixated on fashion ever since and It's her birthday today so I thought i'd do a post on her!
When I was 14 I bought a box set with Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Funny Face, Paris when it sizzles & Sabrina. Ever since every so often i'll sit and watch an Audrey Hepburn film and most recently for my photography project at college, we had to turn a film into 12 scenes and photograph them and I chose Breakfast at Tiffany's!
I know a lot of people with fond memories of Audrey Hepburn and how they've been influenced by her, has she influenced you?