lool not sure what this pose was

Top - H&M
Leather gilet - Primark
Jeans - Topshop
Shoes - New Look
Bag - H&M
Best - Rokit
Hat - H&M
Hey dolls,
[I'm getting quite frequent with the old posts eh? haha I hope you like!]
Today I took a trip uptown with my sister, I am skint at the moment so I only picked up some vintage levi's and a mens college vest (sounds so dodgy lol) from Beyond retro and Rokit. It was nice as always but also...tiring! I now sit on my bed watching family and trying to get over what I just witnessed...Geordie shore...wth lol
My outfit today was kind of casual and black and white! I wanted to look ok but still be kind of comfy!
Oh my gosh I went into Urban outfitters to try on some creepers (because I WISH I had some!) and as we were about to leave I spotted.......wait for it..... JC Litas! I tried them on and didnt want to take them off, they only seemed to have this design though which is a bit weird but I guess its not the worst one! They're flogging them from £120 though...hmmm
I eventually had to take them off and leave =[ otherwise they might have come and asked me to leave the store or something haha
Sammi xoxo